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Been Awhile

Danny Camacho

Rose Camacho

Been a while... Without your Smile...

Your Silly Grin...

Your Rosy Style...

​I​ wake... And feel an emptiness,

Not sure I'm gonna make it,

Your presence ...Bright as pure Sunshine...

Somedays... I just can't shake it,

I cry my inward tears of Love,

I wear my outward Armor,

I stretch my eyes to Heaven above,

Lost in a world.. Without your...

Beautiful, Soft Gracious Soul,

Memories... Un-Numbered,

Epic tale of Beauty told,

Never more Encumbered,

Pain, and Loss... As if a Tree,

Roots Struck Deep in Sadness,

I tell myself your Soul is Free,

No longer in the Madness,

I Miss your Smile,

Your Silly Grin,

I Miss your Rosey Style,

I'm certain We will Laugh again,

For me......It's Been a While.

Love you Rose...Infinity.


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