Let me introduce you to the most amazing man I knew “my cuz” Zacary Edward Vincent Burton. I have so many things I could share about Zac, but I will only be able to touch on a few because I could go on for days. Zac was an amazing man with a huge heart that loved everyone. He was one hell of an athlete, he was great football player and would "light up" people on the field. He was a great wake boarder and great at wake surfing, but he was the world’s worst basketball player, in which his cousin Zac (me) is pretty decent at so it was always fun to kick his butt in basketball at Thanksgiving every year. I just loved being around Zac! He always had that beautiful smile on his face and you did not know if he was up to no good or not, lol especially when the two of us were together. We always managed to get in trouble somehow. Jenny, ( Zac’s Mom) would always say, '"Boys, I do not need to hear that!" "I am putting my ear muffs on." Or, "Oh my gosh boys you two are disgusting!"'
Everyday when I wake up I think about Zac and wish he was still here with me. I miss him so much. He was my cousin, my best friend, and one heck of a wing man, haha. I just wish I could pick up the phone and call him and tell him to come down to Nashville and see my new place. He would be so proud of me. This horrible disease took my cousin/bestfriend from me and it about killed me too. If it was not for my family and friends I would not be here typing on this Remembrance Page. I believe that Zac was with me every step of the way cheering me on. I now have one year sober and it feels amazing. I am in recovery but it is a battle everyday. It is not easy, but with support from family and friends anyone CAN do it.
I love you and I miss you so much Cuz.